Portfolio Category: 19. JAHRHUNDERT

Otto Scholderer

Otto Scholderer (1834 - Frankfurt - 1902) Chrysanthemums and Peaches, 1893 Oil on canvas, 35 x 48.5 cm Signed and dated upper right Otto Scholderer 1893 Provenance: Private collection, France. Exhibited: Possibly shown at the Große Berliner Kunst-Ausstellung, Berlin, May 3 - September 2, 1894, no. 1460: as Früchte und Blumen[1] Literature: Friedrich Herbst, Otto Scholderer, 1834-1902: ein Beitrag zur Künstler- und Kunstgeschichte des 19. Jahrhunderts, Frankfurt...

Giuseppe De Nittis

Giuseppe De Nittis (Barletta 1846 - 1884 St.-Germain-en-Laye) Sulle Falde del Vesuvio - On the Slopes of Vesuvius, 1871-2 Oil on panel, 12.5 x 18.2 cm Signed lower right De Nittis Provenance: Acquired by the previous owner through the art trade; Private collection, Germany. We are grateful to Professor Christine Farese Sperken for confirming the authenticity of the present work.   I have climbed Vesuvius...

Johann Jakob Frey

Johann Jakob Frey (Basel 1813 - 1865 Frascati) Panorama of the Forum Romanum, 1859 Oil on canvas, 78 x 56 cm Signed and dated lower left: J.J. Frey, Anno 1859 Provenance: German private collection    

When Johann Jakob Frey executed this elaborate panorama of the Forum Romanum in 1859 he was already an established figure in his adopted city of Rome.


Jean-Victor Bertin

Jean-Victor Bertin (Paris 1767 - 1842 Paris) Arcadian landscape, 1814 Oil on canvas, 65.9 x 88.5 cm Signed and dated lower left: Bertin / 1814 Provenance: Paris, Craig-Muller Auctions.    

Jean-Victor Bertin’s inception to the Royal Academy of Painting dates to 1785, at which time Bertin was a pupil of the history painter Gabriel-François Doyen. Three years later he joined the...


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