Portfolio Category: KÜRZLICH VERKAUFT

Carl Gustav Carus – SOLD

Carl Gustav Carus (Leipzig 1789 - 1869 Dresden) Evening Light near Pillnitz, c.1835 Oil on cardboard, 13.5 x 19.6 cm Provenance: Caroline Cäcilie Carus, the artist’s daughter; Margarete Schwerdtner, foster daughter of Caroline Cäcilie Carus; Thence to a god-daughter of Margarete Schwerdtner; Private collection, New York. Literature: Marianne Prause, Carl Gustav Carus. Leben und Werk, Berlin 1968, p.149, no. 287 [as Ruine in Pillnitz über...

Carl Gustav Carus – SOLD

Carl Gustav Carus (1789 Leipzig - 1869 Dresden) Moonlight on River Elbe at Pillnitz Oil on cardboard, 17.8 x 25.4 cm On the verso the address label of Windsor & Newton, London and the handwritten inscription Carus ‘Insel bei Pillnitz'.
Provenance: Private collection, Dresden, thence by descent; Private collection, North Rhine-Westphalia; Private collection, New York. A report by Professor Dr. Helmut Börsch-Supan,...

Johann Theodor Goldstein – SOLD

Johann Theodor Goldstein (Warsaw 1798 - after 1871 Dresden) View of a Gothic Cathedral, 1822 Oil on canvas, 83.5 x 89.5 cm Signed and dated lower left J. Goldstein. / 1822. Provenance: Johann Gottlob von Quandt (1787-1859), purchased from the artist in 1822; Possibly Clara Bianca von Quandt (1790-1862), wife of the above; Gustav von Quandt, son of the above, until 1868; Dresden, unidentified...

Antoine Chazal – SOLD

Antoine Chazal, attr. (1793 - Paris - 1854) A Pumpkin Oil on canvas, 32 x 38 cm Provenance: Private collection, France; Private collection, New York.      

Painting in life-size on a relatively small canvas, Antoine Chazal has succeeded in depicting a pumpkin in an arresting and unconventional way. The composition is carefully composed. The pumpkin is placed in a natural setting...


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